Amber Valley Borough Council is excited to announce the Shop Front Improvement grant is open until Friday 29 November 2024. Funding has been secured from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to support businesses occupying a property with a shop front to make improvements.
Grant funding of £1,000 to £4,000 can be applied for, this must be matched 40% by the applicant, for example if the total project cost is £5,000 you can apply for £3,000 (subject to eligibility).
The scheme is only applicable to SME’s and targeted mainly in the market towns of Amber Valley; Alfreton, Belper, Heanor and Ripley. Premises outside of the market towns are welcome to apply but such applications will be assessed on their merits and impact. Improvement work to repair or reinstate can only be applied for if the property is visible from the street and does include the first and second floor of premises where these are in commercial use. Successful applicants must be able to complete the improvement within 12 weeks of approval date and will be responsible for securing all necessary permissions to carry out the work.
The following work will generally be considered, it is by no means an exhaustive list and all proposed works will be considered on their own merit:
Please allow 6 weeks for the application to be processed. Works are not funded retrospectively.
For further information contact the Growth and Housing Section on 01773 841496 or email
Please be aware, applicants who have exceeded Minimal Financial Assistance (MFA) over this and the previous two years would not be eligible to apply for this grant. Please see Shared Fund Subsidy Control and Declarations for additional information. There is also a declaration form to complete with the application.
Contact the team directly on 01773 841496 or email