Check your benefit entitlement

Please note that the benefit calculator that we provide is for a benefit entitlement check only.

It does NOT mean that you have made a claim for housing benefit and council tax support.

If you want to make a claim for benefit you will need to complete an application form

You can contact the benefits and revenues customer services section for a claim form to be sent to you or if you prefer we can complete the claim form with you over the telephone or in person at our office in Ripley. Please ring 01773 841470 for further details.

You can download the housing benefit and council tax support claim form or collect one from our offices in Ripley.

How do I find out my entitlement to housing benefit and council tax support?

Follow the 3 simple steps below to find out your entitlement.  If you need any help call the customer services team on 01773 841470. 

Find out what your bedroom requirements are based on the people in your household.

Now you know your bedroom requirements, find out what your LHA rate is based on that figure.

Find out your benefit entitlement by using the benefit calculator.

Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 841470 or email