
The cabinet comprises of seven borough councillors, including the leader of the council (the leader is elected by full council, usually for a term of four years). Each cabinet member has special responsibilities (known as portfolios) allocated to them, as follows:

  • Policy
  • Regeneration
  • Housing and public health
  • Community safety
  • Environment

Cabinet members have responsibility for monitoring performance within each of their portfolios and have overall responsibility for monitoring the achievement of the Council's ambitions and priorities allocated to them. 

The cabinet meets approximately every six weeks, dates and locations can be viewed on our cabinet meeting locations page. Its meetings are open to the press and public and you can access the agenda and reports for each meeting at least five working days in advance of the meeting taking place. Please select the relevant cabinet meeting date to access the agenda and reports for the current council year. Agendas and reports for cabinet meetings can be accessed from the council meetings calendar. The press and public may be excluded when the cabinet considers exempt information (i.e. confidential information). All decisions made by cabinet are published on our website (in a written document known as Minutes), usually two days after each meeting. 

A cabinet forward plan of key decisions is published 28 days prior to the date of each cabinet meeting. This document lists all the items cabinet will be considering, that would either be likely to result in the council spending or saving £50,000 or more (or 5% of the budget for the service or function, whichever is the greater); or would be likely to significantly affect two or more wards of the borough. 

Residents and organisations of the borough are welcome to attend cabinet meetings and ask questions. Cabinet question time is held at the beginning of each cabinet meeting when questions and comments are considered and petitions presented on matters dealt with by the cabinet (this excludes for example planning and licensing matters). Questions may only be raised where due advance notice has been given of the particular question (before the day of the cabinet meeting); unless the Chairman regards the matter as urgent.

To submit questions to cabinet question time, or for further details regarding cabinet meetings, please contact or alternatively, write to:

Democratic services officer (Cabinet and Council)
Amber Valley Borough Council
Town Hall

Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 841636 or email