Equality and diversity

We aim to provide excellent, accessible services that meet the needs of all our residents, visitors and our workforce. This could include providing equipment, making adaptations, providing information in alternative formats, and providing a service in a different way. If you wish to access a service and you need some assistance please email enquiry@ambervalley.gov.uk with your requirements.

Our ambition is to make everywhere in Amber Valley a great place to live. Central to achieving this vision is supporting equal life chances and addressing the inequalities and barriers within and between Amber Valley communities.

Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy sets out how we are making a difference for Amber Valley. The council takes the opportunity each year to review what it has achieved and highlights these achievements in its annual report. Annual reports are also produced for licensing, planning boardstandards and appeals committee and improvement and scrutiny committee.

We have also reviewed how we are meeting the public sector equality duty and this is set out in the two reports below which cover 2023 and were published by 31 January 2024.

Gender pay gap

From 2017, any organisation that has 250 or more employees must publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap. These figures are a statutory requirement by law. The information is required to be published by 31 March on an annual basis and can be viewed in our gender pay gap report for 2023.

Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 570222 or email enquiry@ambervalley.gov.uk