Extra help with your refuse and recycling

Additional capacity

To qualify for an extra bin, you will need to meet the criteria listed below:

  • 6 or more permanent residents living in one household.
  • 5 permanent residents with one child under the age of three in nappies living in the household.
  • A resident with special medical circumstances.

If you would like to apply for our additional capacity scheme, please download the paper application form or alternatively you can apply online by completing our online request form for additional capacity.

Please provide either by email or post, proof of the medical condition (i.e. a letter) that clearly identifies why an additional medical bin is necessary, ensure the documentation is not out of date (i.e. produced within the last year); or

Please provide either by email or post, proof of each resident living at your address. Ensure the evidence clearly identifies each individual by name and is easy to read and that the documentation is not out of date (i.e. produced within the last year).

Please note that without this information your form cannot be processed.

Assisted collection

We also offer help if you are unable to move your refuse or recycling bin/bags. If you would like to join our assisted collection scheme you can download the paper application form or alternatively you can apply online by completing our online request form for assisted collection.

Please provide either by email or post, proof of the medical condition (i.e. a letter) that clearly identifies why an additional medical bin is necessary, ensure the documentation is not out of date (i.e. produced within the last year)

Please note that without this information your form cannot be processed.

Alternatively you can request either application form from the refuse and recycling team by calling 01773 841326.

Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 841326 or email refuse@ambervalley.gov.uk

Pages in Extra help with your refuse and recycling Additional bin capacity Assisted collection