Please complete the form below to tell us about a change in your address if you are claiming housing benefit or council tax support. If all of your circumstances are the same, and it is just the address that is changing then this is the correct form, if not you will need to contact us on 01773 841470.
Alternatively download a paper version of this form and post it back to us.
Please give the most accurate and up to date information about you and your partner, if you have one. By 'partner' we mean your husband or wife, or someone you live with as if you were married to them.
Once you have submitted your form, we will need to see your tenancy agreement for your new property.
We must see original proof of your rent and tenancy before we can decide how much benefit you can get. This should be your original tenancy agreement, rent book or letters from your landlord or agent. Please do not delay sending in your Change of Address form while you are waiting for proof of your rent and tenancy details to be completed by your landlord.
Contact the team directly on 01773 841470 or email