Charities and non-profit organisations

Registered charities are automatically entitled to an 80 per cent reduction in their rates bills. Authorities have discretion to reduce the bill further or to waive it altogether.

The council also has discretion to grant relief of up to 100 per cent to certain non-profit making bodies. The purposes of the organisation applying for the relief must be philanthropic, or concerned with education, social welfare, science, literature or the fine arts.

Apply online for charitable / discretionary rate relief by completing our online submission form below.

If the property is a charity shop, please supply accounts which show the proportion of goods donated in respect of these premises with this application.

If the application is for a social club, welfare, hall or similar type of organisation, please enclose your last published accounts and a copy of the constitution of the organisation.

Apply online for charitable relief

Organisation details


Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 841444 or email