To work out your bill, the local authority starts by multiplying your rateable value by a factor known as the 'multiplier' or 'uniform business rate'. The multiplier is fixed each year by the government. Between revaluations, the multiplier cannot increase by more each financial year than the annual rate of inflation (as of the previous September) except in a revaluation year. For 2019/2020 the multiplier is 51.2p. So if, for example, your rateable value is £60,000, the calculation for this year is £60,000 x 51.2p = £30,720.00. This is the amount you would have to pay.
There may, however, be further calculations to go through because of transitional arrangements or reliefs or both.
Please note if you qualify for small business rate relief (or occupy premises which has a rateable value of less than £51,000) your rates bill will be calculated using the lower SBRR multiplier of 49.9p.
If you are the ratepayer, the rateable value of your property will be shown on the non-domestic rates bill you have received. It is also shown in the rating list, copies of which are at the Town Hall, Market Place, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3BT.
Tel: 01773 841444
and the local valuation office at Valuation Office Agency, Ground Floor, Ferrers House, Castle Meadow Road, Nottingham NG2 1AB
Tel: 03000 501 501
Anyone can inspect the list during normal office hours. For on-line users your rateable value for both the 2005 and 2010 rating lists can now also be inspected on the at
The local valuation officer must tell you if he changes the rateable value of your property.
If you think your rateable value is wrong, you can apply to the valuation officer to change it. To do this, you will need to make a 'proposal' to alter the rating list.
Forms for this purpose are available from your local valuation office:
Valuation Office Agency
Ground Floor
Ferrers House
Castle Meadow Road
Tel : 03000 501 501
If the valuation officer agrees with your proposal, or if you can reach agreement on another figure, the value will be changed. If he does not agree, or the matter is still unresolved after 3 months, the dispute will be passed to the local valuation tribunal as a formal appeal.
However, in many cases it may still be possible for an agreement to be reached before the tribunal hearing itself, as discussions can continue.
See the and check your summary valuation which will show how your present assessment has been valued
You have to pay rates on the rateable value shown in the rating list even if you have appealed against it. But provided you have kept up with your payments, any overpayment you are found to have made when an appeal is settled will be refunded with any interest applicable.
Contact the team directly on 01773 841444 or email