Anti-social behaviour

To report anti-social behaviour, contact us on 01773 570222 (Monday-Friday 9am till 4.30pm, Wednesday 10am till 4.30pm) or contact the Police on 101. You can also use our online reporting form.

What you can expect whilst accessing our services

You can report your concerns either via our website on our online form or call the community safety team on 01773 570222 to receive advice and support to help you decide how to handle the situation.

Within 5 working days of you first contacting us you will receive either verbal or written communication for a member of the team to discuss your issues further.

We will take action depending on the circumstances and how serious the incidents are, for example issuing a fixing penalty notice, acceptable behaviour contract, antisocial behaviour order or dispersal orders. Please see list of enforcement tools.

We will treat all concerns seriously, investigating them promptly and fairly

Amber Valley Community Safety Partnership recognises the huge effect that anti-social behaviour has on communities and therefore has made reducing anti-social behaviour one of its key priorities. 

Types of anti-social behaviour

The following list includes the types of behaviour that constitute anti-social behaviour. Click on each heading to find out more.

Drugs / Substance abuse:

  • taking drugs
  • sniffing volatile substances
  • discarding needles/drug paraphernalia
  • crack houses
  • presence of dealers of users

Street drinking



  • soliciting
  • cards in phone boxes

Kerb crawling:

  • loitering
  • pestering residents

Sexual acts:

  • inappropriate sexual conduct
  • indecent exposure

Vehicle-related problems:

  • inconvenient/illegal parking
  • car repairs on the street/in gardens
  • setting vehicles alight
  • joyriding
  • racing cars
  • off road motorcycling
  • skateboarding in pedestrian areas


  • noisy neighbours
  • noisy cars/motorbikes
  • loud music
  • alarms (persistent ringing/malfunction)
  • noise from pubs/clubs
  • noise from business/industry

Rowdy behaviour:

  • shouting and swearing
  • fighting
  • drunken behaviour
  • hooliganism/loutish behaviour

Nuisance behaviour:

  • urinating in public
  • setting fires (not directed at specific persons or property)
  • inappropriate use of fireworks
  • throwing missiles
  • climbing on buildings
  • impeding access to communal areas
  • games in restricted/inappropriate areas
  • misuse of air guns
  • letting down tyres

Hoax calls:

  • false calls to emergency services

Animal related problems:

  • uncontrolled animals

Intimidation / Harassment:

  • groups of individuals making threats
  • verbal abuse
  • bullying
  • following people
  • pestering people
  • voyeurism
  • sending nasty/offensive letters
  • obscene/nuisance phone calls
  • menacing gestures

Can be on the grounds of:

  • race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, age

Criminal damage / Vandalism:

  • graffiti
  • damage to bus shelters
  • damage to phone kiosks
  • damage to street furniture
  • damage to buildings
  • damage to trees/plants/hedges

Litter / rubbish:

  • dropping litter
  • dumping rubbish
  • fly-tipping
  • fly-posting

The legal definition of anti-social behaviour contained within the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 is 'conduct that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person.'

ASB myth busting

No one should have to suffer anti-social behaviour in silence. We want to work with you and support you to deal with it. To help with this, we want to deal with some common misunderstandings. Read out myth busting leaflet.

Further information

Further guidance can be found at Derbyshire ASB Hub by visiting

Contacting our community safety team directly

Our community safety team can be contacted directly on 01773 570222 ext 1493 or 2344, or emailed at Please note that the extension number and email inbox is only monitored during our office opening hours.

Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 570222 ext 1493 or 2344 or email