Comments and complaints

We set high standards for all the services we offer and our aim is to meet those standards all of the time. We welcome your feedback on how are performing and any suggestions as to where we could improve or do things differently.

We don't always get it right and when we don't we want you to tell us. By listening to your comments and suggestions, we can work together to ensure high standards of service.  Tell us your complaint by submitting the online complaints form.

If you are complaining about a problem in your area (e.g. dog fouling, food complaint, missed bin), as opposed to the service you have received from us, another online form may be more suitable. Please view the relevant web pages where you will find ways of reporting these incidents. Please do not use our complaints or comments form to report an action or request a service from us. We have individual service request forms on each relevant section of the website, or alternatively you can submit our online enquiry form.

We also want to know when you have been really pleased with a service and/or when our staff have gone the extra mile to make a difference. If you have any comments, suggestions or compliments you can either contact the service involved or complete the online comments form.

Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 570222 or email

Pages in Comments and complaints Comments and compliments Complaints