Governance and audit committee

The council's governance and audit committee performs the role of an audit committee. Specifically it provides:

  • Independent assurance of the adequacy of the risk management framework, corporate governance arrangements and the associated control environment
  • Independent scrutiny of the council's financial and non-financial performance to the extent that it affects the authority's exposure to risk and weakens the control environment
  • Independent assurance that any issues arising from the process of producing, auditing and certifying the council's annual accounts are properly dealt with and that appropriate accounting policies have been applied.
  • Independent mechanism to oversee the financial reporting process and corporate governance arrangements.

The committee is central to the provision of effective corporate governance, which depends, in part, on a systematic strategy, a framework and processes for managing risk.

Governance itself is also about increasing public confidence in the objectivity and fairness of financial and other reporting arrangements as well as helping to deliver improved services. This, in turn, depends upon assurance that issues raised in preparing and auditing annual accounts and other reports have been properly dealt with and recommendations implemented. It is important that the council has independent assurance about the mechanisms underpinning these aspects of governance.

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