We have recently received some enquiries relating to some proposed development sites in Somercotes.
The health and safety of all residents in the borough remains paramount, so we are taking the complaints very seriously.
As a result, we have been in regular communication with various bodies, including the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the Coal Authority - and have continued to monitor developments.
Our investigations of the proposed development sites, including contact with the developers, have confirmed that no construction work has taken place and that the only machinery on site to date has been specifically required for ground investigations. The current works require the stripping back of the surface layer to inspect for any historic mine workings, including early bell pits and mine shafts This is a strict condition of the planning application.
To date there has been nothing to suggest that there are soil contaminants present at levels that would be deemed unsafe for development.
It is obviously concerning to learn that a number of residents in the area have apparently reported adverse health conditions to their GPs. However, if a patient’s conditionever leads a GP to suspect the presence of environmental contaminants, they have a legal duty to report this to their local UKHSA Health Protection Team (HPT). So far, the council understands that only one such case has been reported, and that subsequent investigations have found that it is extremely unlikely that environmental toxins were the cause of illness.
Similarly, the Coal Authority has responded to another health complaint from a resident in Birchwood Lane relating to alleged exposure to mine gas. As a precautionary measure, the Coal Authority set up gas monitoring equipment in the property. Results showed no evidence of mine gas and found that oxygen and Co2 levels were normal.
Ongoing investigations by all parties have so far indicated that the reported illnesses are unrelated to environmental toxins as alleged. We will nevertheless continue to monitor the situation closely.
Contact the team directly on 01773 570222 or email enquiry@ambervalley.gov.uk