Development briefs and masterplans

Development briefs and masterplans are documents which provide planning guidance on a range of topics. They can be area/site specific and can cover the following:

  • The vision for an area or specific site
  • Building design and principles for site layout
  • Location and type of open space and other types of green infrastructure
  • Community and other infrastructure requirements

There are several adopted development briefs/masterplans, further information on these can be found below.   

The above area of land, which includes the site of the former Heanor Grammar School/South East Derbyshire College/Derby College, is a key location within Heanor town centre, as defined by saved policy TC1 of the Adopted Amber Valley Borough Local Plan 2006. Part of the land was also identified as an opportunity site in the approved Heanor Masterplan in 2008, in terms of its potential to contribute to the regeneration of the town centre.

In order to establish some clear guidelines for prospective developers, a statement of development principles has been prepared in relation to the land.

The approved statement of development principles will be taken in to account, alongside current national and local planning policies and other material planning considerations, in the determination of planning applications within the area. The statement will also enable the council to work proactively with prospective developers in respect of development proposals for the area.

The statement of development principles and appendices can be viewed via the following links:

In 2008, Amber Valley Borough Council approved a masterplan for Heanor town centre. The masterplan identifies a number of regeneration projects and opportunities across the town centre. However, the realisation of many of these projects and opportunities has been dependent on the future of the proposed Heanor Inner Relief Road scheme.

Land to the north of Market Street within the town centre has been safeguarded by the borough council for this scheme for over 20 years. However, Derbyshire County Council have now rescinded the Inner Relief Road scheme. This now provides the opportunity to consider in more detail how the land previously safeguarded for the relief road could be used and developed to contribute most effectively to the physical regeneration of the town centre.

The statement of development principles aims to:

  • Establish a clear vision for land use and development within the area
  • Provide detailed guidance against which specific development proposals can be considered, alongside current planning policies and other material considerations.
  • Give greater certainty to existing landowners, prospective developers and the local community as to the appropriate form and scale of development within the area

The statement of development principles will be taken into account, alongside current planning policies and guidance and other material planning considerations, in the determination of planning applications within that part of Heanor town centre.

The statement of development principles also enables the council to work proactively with prospective developers to encourage development proposals that can contribute to town centre regeneration.

Amber Valley Borough Council's regeneration team has developed a masterplan for Ripley town centre. The purpose of the masterplan is to provide a holistic vision for the regeneration of Ripley town centre, and will consider options for vacant properties and under-utilised land, accessibility, traffic, the retail offer and the quality and design of buildings and public areas.

The Ripley masterplan has now been endorsed and Amber Valley Borough Council and partners will develop projects to take forward the masterplan. 

A regeneration masterplan proposing a range of potential opportunities to bring about long term economic development for Heanor town centre is now available.

Amber Valley Borough Council commissioned the study, which outlines a long-term vision for Heanor.

The Heanor masterplan puts forward a strategic development plan to deliver a regenerated town centre where people want to work, live, learn, shop and socialise in more attractive surroundings and safer streets.

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