Quarndon Neighbourhood Plan

The Quarndon Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared by Quarndon Parish Council and formally made by Amber Valley Borough Council.

The Neighbourhood Area covers the whole of the parish of Quarndon and it sets out planning policies for this area from 2018-2033. The Quarndon Neighbourhood Plan forms part of the Development Plan for the area and will be used through the planning process to assess future development proposals.

Following the result of the referendum on the 27 June 2019, the Quarndon Neighbourhood Plan was formally ‘made’ by the council on the 20 August 2019.

The ‘made’ Quarndon Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed below.

The Quarndon Neighbourhood Plan referendum took place on 27 June 2019.

94.5% of those who voted in the referendum voted 'yes'. View results.

A full decision on the plan will be made in due course.

The 'specified documents' (which include the draft Neighbourhood Plan) along with other documents outlining the referendum process are listed below.

Under Regulation 18 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, the Borough Council is required to publish a Decision Statement following the examination of a Neighbourhood Plan setting out the nature of the changes made to the Plan. The Decision Statement for the Quarndon Parish Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed below.

The Examination of the Quarndon Parish Neighbourhood Plan was completed on 20 March 2019 and the examination report was issued to the Borough Council and the Parish Council.

Andrew Matheson was appointed as the independent examiner in January 2019 to undertake the examination of the Quarndon Neighbourhood Plan. 

Quarndon Parish Council has produced a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish (Neighbourhood Area) of Quarndon. It submitted the neighbourhood plan to Amber Valley Borough Council to make arrangements for publicity and formal consultation for a period of 6 weeks from Friday 9 November 2018. This consultation has now ended.

The Neighbourhood Plan includes policies against which future development proposals would be assessed against through the planning process.

The Neighbourhood Plan and associated documents can be viewed below.

A number of representations were received during the consultation period on the submitted Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 16).

All comments received were forwarded to the independent person appointed to carry out an examination of the Neighbourhood Plan.

*Please note that all submitted comments will be used in the plan process for the lifetime of the Neighbourhood Plan in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. Responses cannot be treated as confidential as they may be available for public inspection.

A screening opinion has been carried out to determine whether or not the Quarndon Parish Neighbourhood Plan requires a SEA or HRA. 

Quarndon Parish Council consulted on their draft Neighbourhood Plan under Regulation 14 of the Town and Country Planning, England The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. This consultation period finished on Wednesday 15 August 2018. Further details on this can be found at www.quarndon-pc.gov.uk/neighbourhood-plan.

The designation of the parish of Quarndon as a Neighbourhood Area was agreed on 22 July 2016. 

Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 841584 or email LDF@ambervalley.gov.uk