Self-build and custom housebuilding

In accordance with the Housing and Planning Act 2016 the borough council is required to keep a register of those who are seeking to acquire serviced plots of land in Amber Valley to build houses to occupy as their home.

This register will provide an indication of the demand for self/custom build in Amber Valley and allow the council to develop its housing, planning and regeneration policies to support the kinds of self and custom build projects that would be most appropriate.

In the future, the register may be used to try and match those with an interest in starting a self-build project with landowners who might have suitable plots of land available for housing. However personal details will not be made available to anyone outside the council. Your personal data will be kept for a period in accordance with the council’s document retention schedule.

Any proposal for self-build housing will need a formal planning application and will be subject to the relevant policies set out within the development plan for the area.

Register your interest

Before you begin

In order to register you must be:

  • aged 18 or over;
  • a British citizen, a national of a EEA Sate other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland; and
  • seeking (either alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land in the Borough of Amber Valley to build a house to occupy as your sole or main residence.

About you

Please note that if you are applying on behalf of an association you will be contacted and asked to supply contact details of all individual members.


Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 841584 or email