SHELAA Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment

What is the SHELAA?

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires all strategic policy-making authorities to have a clear understanding of the land available in their area through the preparation of a strategic housing land availability assessment.

However, national guidance sets out how land for both housing and economic development should be assessed, in order to identify a future supply of land which is suitable, available and achievable and which will provide an important source of evidence to inform both plan-making and the determination of planning applications, as well as (in the case of housing development) the identification of a 5 year land supply.

The borough council has therefore prepared a Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA), in accordance with a methodology which is consistent with that set out in the national guidance.

The SHELAA includes an assessment of potential sites for housing growth (capable of accommodating 5 or more dwellings) and for economic growth (0.25 ha of land or greater, or 500m2 of floorspace or greater) that have been promoted to the borough council by landowners, agents or developers or have been identified by the council. The assessments have considered whether each site is suitable, available and achievable (as defined in the national guidance), taking into account any identified constraints to development, as well as identifying the potential number of dwellings and/or area of economic development that could be accommodated on each site.

Interactive page showing sites and assessments

An interactive webpage has been created to show the Amber Valley SHELAA sites and their assessments. The individual site assessments can be viewed by clicking on any site of interest, and then clicking on the SHELAA reference number which will appear. The web page can be accessed by using a compatible web browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge) and by following the link below:

A list of all the SHELAA sites (with those sites considered to be suitable, available and achievable highlighted [in green for housing & purple for economic growth]) can also be seen in the latest SHELAA Trajectory which can be accessed by following the link below:

SHELAA Trajectory – 2023 Update

Please note that none of the potential sites that are located within the Green Belt have been assessed as suitable for housing and/or economic growth, except where planning permission has already been granted and where very special circumstances to justify development have therefore been demonstrated through the planning application process. This reflects national policy in relation to inappropriate development within the Green Belt, as set out in the NPPF.

In addition to the assessment of potential sites, the SHELAA also includes other sites which already had planning permission for 5 or more dwellings as at 1 April 2022, including where development had already commenced. 4 of these sites are within the Green Belt and in these cases, planning permission was granted for housing development as either a) the proposals were considered to be appropriate development within the Green Belt, on the basis of meeting one or more of the criteria listed in paragraph 145 of the NPPF, or b) there were 'very special circumstances' to support the proposals, having regard to paragraphs 143 and 144 of the NPPF.

What the SHELAA is not

It is important to emphasise that the assessments of the potential sites in the SHELAA are based on the best information available at the current time and that they provide a starting point to inform future decisions in relation to plan-making and the determination of planning applications.

The conclusions of the assessments in relation to the suitability, availability and achievability of potential sites do not mean that any final decisions have been taken as to which sites will be identified for housing or economic growth in the new Local Plan.

Similarly, the conclusions of the assessments for the potential sites do not mean that the borough council has decided whether planning permission should be granted for housing or economic development on those sites. Any planning applications received for any potential sites included in the SHELAA will be considered on its planning merits, taking into account any relevant policies in the Development Plan and any other material planning considerations.

The borough council will review the SHELAA on an annual basis. If you are a landowner, developer or other interested party that wishes to submit a site(s) for consideration as part of the next review, you can do so by completing the site submission form below, providing as much information as possible. All sites should be accompanied by an up to date Ordnance Survey (OS) map clearly identifying the site boundaries.  

All completed forms and site plans should be submitted by email to, or by post to:

Planning Policy
Amber Valley Borough Council
Town Hall
Market Place

Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 841584 or email