Supplementary planning documents

Supplementary planning documents add further detail to the policies within the Adopted Local Plan 2006. They can be used to provide further guidance for development on specific sites, or on issues such as affordable housing, design, advertisements etc.

Such documents are material considerations in the decision-making process of planning applications.

If you require hard copies of these supplementary planning documents, please ring 01773 841584. There will be a charge of £5.00 per document for this service.

The residential development SPD makes available detailed guidance in order to create and maintain high quality housing development. This includes guidance in respect of new housing developments, extensions, conversions and alterations.

The development and recreational open space SPD makes available detailed guidance on the processes and measures the council will adopt to establish the amount, type and size of out-door playing spaces and children's play areas within the borough. It also ensures that open spaces to be provided by developers reflects the needs of the area in which they are situated and are in accordance with the policies of the Adopted Amber Valley Local Plan.

This SPD supplements the policies of the adopted Amber Valley Borough Local Plan relating to affordable housing and enable the borough council to set out in more detail the requirements for affordable housing within development sites or mixed use sites that have a housing element and add weight to policies H10-H11 of the adopted Local Plan in the consideration of planning applications for housing development.

The design for community safety SPD makes available detailed guidance in order to create and maintain safer communities.

The objectives of this document are to supplement the policies of the adopted Amber Valley Borough Local Plan by providing advice to owners and occupiers of listed buildings and buildings in conservation areas.

The objectives of this document are to supplement the policies of the adopted Amber Valley Local Plan by setting out more detailed guidance on promoting high quality shop fronts and advertisement design.

This supplementary planning document (SPD) outlines how land at Radbourne Lane, Mackworth, identified for housing development in policy H1d of the adopted Amber Valley Borough Local Plan 2006, should be developed as part of a sustainable master planning process.  This document sets out the council's vision for a comprehensive and sustainable development scheme and acts as guidance for developers in the preparation and submission of any planning applications for the site.

This supplementary planning document (SPD) outlines how land between the A6 and the River Derwent, Belper should be developed as a comprehensive mixed use development to respect the character and appearance of the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site and retain and enhance important areas of open space. 

Workshop reports - 29.11.2011

Workshop reports - 25.04.2012

Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 841584 or email