Tenders and contracts


Potential suppliers can view tenders and contracts on our procurement adverts page. Please note that we partner with Bolsover District Council for our procurement service.

Our contracts register can be viewed using the link below.


Amber Valley Borough Council is a VAT registered body.

If you are a VAT registered body supplying the authority with goods and services, please provide us with a valid tax invoice to minimise the impact of VAT on the expenditure we incur.

We receive VAT invoices from VAT registered traders and are required to issue VAT invoices, as appropriate, to recipients of goods and services which fall outside of the statutory functions of the authority.

Our VAT number is 118 0937 72.

Terms and conditions

View our general terms and conditions for the procurement of works, goods and services.

Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 570222 or email enquiry@ambervalley.gov.uk

Pages in Tenders and contracts Procurement adverts