Local elections

Local elections refer to borough, county and parish elections.

A successful candidate in any local election will serve for a term of 4 years, unless a candidate was nominated to fill a casual vacancy (which may occur due to a resignation or death of a councillor) then it would be for the remaining term of the retiring or deceased councillor.

Upcoming elections

  • The next borough elections will be held in 2027.
  • The next parish elections will be held in 2027.
  • The next county council elections will be held in 2025.


Results from previous local elections can be viewed using the links below.

Casual vacancies and by-elections

If a councillor leaves their seat during the course of their term, a casual vacancy occurs. This could be due to the resignation of a councillor, the passing away of a councillor, the disqualification (or ceasing to be qualified) of a councillor, or a failure to take up office.

The rules for casual vacancies are different depending on whether the seat is for the Borough or County Council, or for a Town/Parish Council.

Borough and County Council

When a councillor's seat becomes vacant a Notice of Vacancy will be displayed to advertise that vacancy.

The notice explains that an election can be called by a request made in writing to the council's Proper Officer by 2 electors from the local authority area where the vacancy arises.

If an election is called it must be held within 35 working days of the request for an election. The exception to this is that if a vacancy occurs within 6 months of the date of the next scheduled elections, the vacancy is carried over to the next elections. The seat will remain vacant during that time and no by-election will be held.

Town and Parish councils

When a councillor's seat becomes vacant the Town/Parish Clerk will notify our elections team. The Clerk will display a Notice of Vacancy in the parish area. The notice explains that an election can be called by a request made in writing to the district council's Proper Officer by 10 electors from the parish area, within 14 working days of the date of the notice.

If an election is called it must be held within 60 working days of the date of the Notice of Vacancy. If no request is received to call an election then the Town/Parish Council may then co-opt someone into the vacant seat. This means that the Town/Parish Council can choose who they wish to appoint to fill the seat rather than holding an election.

The Notice of Vacancy must run its course before the Town/Parish Council have the opportunity to co-opt a new councillor and this gives the electors of the parish a chance to call an election if they wish to. If the vacancy occurs within 6 months of the date of the next scheduled elections for that council then no election is held, and the seat may remain vacant until it is filled at the next elections, or the council may choose to co-opt into the vacant seat.

Current Parish vacancies

The following vacancies have been advertised, each notice explains that an election can be called by a request made in writing to the district council's Proper Officer by 10 electors from the parish area, within 14 working days of the date of the notice. If no request is received then the Town/Parish Council may then co-opt someone into the vacant seat.

Date of notice Parish/parish area Number of vacancies Notice of expiry date Result of notice
9 December 2024 - view notice Codnor Parish Council – Codnor Ward 1 2 January 2025 Election requested. By-election to be held on 6 March 2025.
9 December 2024 - view notice Holbrook Parish Council 1 2 January 2025 No request for election received, Parish Council may co-opt.
2 January 2025 - view notice Mackworth Parish Council 1 22 January 2025 No request for election received, Parish Council may co-opt.
9 January 2025 - view notice South Wingfield Parish Council 1 29 January 2025 No request for election received, Parish Council may co-opt.
23 January 2025 - view notice Alfreton Town Council – West Ward 1 12 February 2025 TBC
5 February 2025 - view notice Shipley Parish Council 1 25 February 2025 TBC
11 February 2025 - view notice Heanor and Loscoe Town Council – Loscoe Ward 1 3 March 2025 TBC



If an election is called following a Notice of Vacancy being displayed, this is known as a by-election. This just means an election that is held outside of the normal scheduled timetable of elections for that council. The date for the election will be set within the timescales set out above. The election is then advertised by the publication of a Notice of Election which marks the start of the election process.

An election has been requested to fill a vacancy in the Codnor Ward of Codnor Parish Council, this by-election will be held on 6 March 2025. Associated notices for this election can be viewed below.


Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 841458 or email elections@ambervalley.gov.uk