As a local authority, Amber Valley Borough Council has a duty to provide officers to enforce dog fouling byelaws.
The main law enforced by Amber Valley Borough Council covering fouling is The Dogs Fouling of Land Act 1996. This law makes it an offence to allow your dog to defecate and not clean it up.
Dog faeces is a health hazard and can blindness in young children.
Our neighbourhood wardens continually strive to catch offenders and can issue on the spot fixed penalty notices.
Amber Valley will also issue fixed penalty notices on a witness statement. A witness could be a neighbour or a complete stranger.
Forgetting a poop scoop bag is not an acceptable excuse - you will still be prosecuted.
If you wish to make a complaint regarding dog fouling, please contact the helpline on 01773 841335 or submit the form below. We aim to respond to your complaint within 5 working days which will include patrols and erecting signage where appropriate.
Any information you supply will remain confidential.
It can also be very useful if a diary is kept on dates, times and brief descriptions etc. as this can assist the wardens when patrolling the area. If you are prepared to act as a witness to dog fouling incidents this can help us to bring successful prosecutions. Please note, we do request that you include your name and telephone number in your submission, however these details will not be passed on to any other person, they will only be used to contact you if we require further information on the details you have reported.
Contact the team directly on 01773 841335 or email