If the above site details are correct please complete the 'your details' section and proceed to our secure payments page.
Otherwise please contact the planning helpdesk on 01773 841571
Your details
The data submitted via this form and the subsequent payment form will be processed and stored electronically by the council. In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations we would inform you that:
Your data will also be processed by our payment partner (Civica) and our payment service provider (Worldpay). if we need to send you a letter your data may be processed by an external printing bureaux (phd-uk).
Other than those organisations named above we will not pass you data on to anyone else.
You have the right to see the personal data we hold about you; if you think it is wrong you can ask us to put it right; if you think that we have no legal grounds for retaining the information you have the right to ask for it to be erased; if there is a query on the accuracy of the data you have the right to ask us to stop processing your information.
The council’s data protection officer can be contacted on 01773 570222 or dpo@ambervalley.gov.uk
If you are unhappy with how the council deals with your personal information you may wish to contact the Information Commissioner. Telephone 0303 123 1113 or email casework@ico.org.uk; Website - www.ico.org.uk.