Conservation areas

Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest, 'the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance'. Conservation area status gives the council some extra control over development to encourage enhancement of the area, but it is not meant to stifle development.

Frequently asked questions

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Conservation areas are designated by the council, although the Secretary of State also has the power in exceptional circumstances. New designations, amendments and the adoption of appraisals and management plans are all subject to public consultation and committee approval.

National planning policy is set out in section 16 'conserving and enhancing the historic environment' of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Specific local policies directly relating to conservation areas are set out in the Amber Valley Local Plan (2006). The borough council also has an adopted supplementary planning document: listed buildings and buildings in conservation areas (April 2007) that sets out additional guidance in relation to development in conservation areas.

An article 4(2) direction changes the type of alterations that would require planning permission, in order to provide greater protection to the qualities and characteristics, which make the area special.

There is a duty to designate as a conservation area any area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which is desirable to preserve or enhance. It is a way of recognising the importance of the quality of an area as a whole. Conservation areas are designated to manage change in order to enhance conservation areas and ensure that new development preserves and enhances their character.

Trees in conservation areas are also afforded additional protection. Six weeks notice in writing must be given to the borough council of any proposed works to prune or fell a tree in a conservation area.

Roof extensions in conservation areas require planning permission.

Conservation area designation does not convey any additional controls. Listed buildings have their own set of legal safeguards.

Historic England have also produced a set of frequently asked questions.

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