Buildings are 'listed' if they are of special architectural or historic interest. The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport compiles the list, following advice from English Heritage. Law protects buildings that are placed on the statutory list and any alterations to them require listed building consent. View the register for listed buildings in the borough.
Any works proposed to the listed building, any object or structure attached to it and any object, structure or wall within its curtilage built before 1st July 1948 requires an application for listed building consent. Please note that it is a criminal offence to undertake works without first being granted listed building consent.
There may also be incidents whereby the works proposed also require a listed building consent and another application for planning permission.
For advice on making alterations to listed buildings or buildings within the curtilage of a listed building, please view the listed buildings and buildings in conservation areas SPD.
Please visit the my property page or view our listed building register.
A listed building is a building, object or structure that has been judged to be of national historical or architectural; interest. It is included on a register known as a ‘statutory list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest’, which is administered by English Heritage.
Buildings are listed in order to identify and protect our heritage and ensure special interest is taken fully into account in the future and can be protected by legal safeguards. The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport is required to compile lists of buildings of special architectural or historic interest. English Heritage is now responsible for maintaining and revising these lists and advising the Secretary of State.
Determining the curtilage of a listed building is not always a simple matter. The main test is the physical layout of the land at the date of listing and the relationship of objects or structure to each other. A structure must be ancillary and subordinate to be included in the listings and historically independent building. The structure must form part of the land and this is probably requires some degree of annexation. Where a self contained building does not form part of the land of the listed building at the date of listing it is likely to be regarded as having a separate curtilage.
All the properties considered for listing are judged according to a set of national standards. The following are the main criteria which the Secreatary of State applies in deciding which buildings to include on the statutory lists.
Yes, listed buildings are classified in grades to show their relative importance. However, this does not mean that a Grade I building is more worthy of preservation than a Grade II building. The three grades of listing are as follows:
The listing protection extends to the building at that address, and included any objects or structure fixed to the building. It also included any object or structure within the curtilage of the building which forms part of the land. The list description is meant for identification of the building only and is not a thorough description of all the important features of that building.
Listed building consent is required for the demolition or partial demolition of a listed building, or for its alteration or extension in any manner which would affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest. Listed status covers a whole building, inside and out and may also apply to buildings in the curtilage of the listed building. Examples of the types of works that would normally require listed building consent are as follows:
Secondary glazing can be used as and alternative to the installation of new double glazing, secondary glazing retains the existing window and therefore preserves the properties external appearance, this method will not give the same level of performance as a double glazed window, however it offers considerable improvement in heat retention over single glazing.
Secondary glazing ranges from simple one-season plastic film methods undertaken by householders to more permanent purpose built systems. Simple repairs to mend cracks and eliminate gaps can significantly reduce the amount of air infiltration or draughts. Research carried out by English Heritage states that air infiltration of sash windows can be reduced by as much as 86% by adding draught proofing. Using existing shutters can help cut down heat loss through windows. Further information on energy saving can be on the English Heritage website at
There is no fee for listed building consent, to make an application please visit our make a planning application page.
Listed building consent aims to prevent people from unknowingly de-valuing their home and taking away the features that make it important. Carrying out unauthorised works to listed buildings is a criminal offence and owners can be prosecuted. The council can insist that all work undertaken without consent is reversed. You can apply for listed building consent retrospectively however there is a risk that it will be rejected for reasons that could have easily been resolved. An owner will have difficulties selling a property where work has been carried out without listed building consent.
It is always best to check with the council first, some minor works may not need consent. Internal redecoration, the renewal of furnishings and the replacement of internal fittings such as lights or radiators will probably not need consent if the main fabric of the building is not affected. It should be noted that in some cases it would affect the special character of the building to strip internal joinery or its traditional paintwork finish or to remove traditional wallpaper.
Any works granted listed building consent must normally begin within 3 years from the date of the consent. Consent maybe issued with conditions attached, such as approval of sample materials before works commence. The listed building consent will not be valid unless all the conditions on the decision notice are complied with and the works are executed in accordance with the approved plans. Not comply with any condition attached to the consent may result in the borough council taking enforcement action, so it is vital that conditions are discharged before work relating to the conditions commences on site.
Most owners take reasonable steps to maintain their buildings. If the building falls into disrepair, however the council has various powers to seek its preservation. An urgent works notice can be served on unoccupied parts of a building. It specifies the works required to make the building safe and secure, if these works are not carried out the council can do the work itself and recover costs from the owner of the property. A repairs notice can also be served requiring an occupied building is put in order, ultimately if the necessary repairs are not carried out the borough council can compulsorily acquire the building. Unfortunately not all listed buildings are cared for by their owners. In certain cases of deliberate neglect or long term vacancy, a listed building will be put on the Derbyshire Buildings at risk register. A national register is also drawn up by English Heritage for Grade I and II* listed buildings. Visit for further guidance on purchasing old buildings.
Further information can be found via the Heritage Alliance's funding directory.
Contact the team directly on 01773 841571 or email