
The pollution team deal with the following areas:

  • Statutory nuisance & noise
  • Waste accumulations and vermin
  • Asbestos
  • Drainage
  • Air pollution
  • Environmental permitting
  • Land contamination
  • Radon

The pollution team's work overlaps with other external agencies. If you have been unable to find the information you are looking for you may be able to find it from:

Derbyshire County Council
For advice on road noise and conditions; blocked road gulleys.
Website: http://www.derbyshire.gov.uk/

Environment Agency
For advice on environmental permitting; flooding; pollution and emissions; waste; climate change and energy; water pollution.
Website: www.environment-agency.gov.uk/

Public Health England
Advice on health hazards and emergencies caused by infectious disease, hazardous chemicals, poisons and radiation.
Website: http://www.hpa.org.uk/

Severn Trent Water Ltd.
For advice on defective public sewers.
Website: www.stwater.co.uk/

Need further help or information?

Contact the team directly on 01773 841335 or email envadmin@ambervalley.gov.uk