The schemes help consumers choose where to eat out or shop for food by giving them information about the hygiene standards in restaurants, cafés, takeaways, hotels and food shops. The schemes also encourage businesses to improve hygiene standards. The overarching aim is to reduce the incidence of foodborne illness.
You can search for information about hygiene standards at restaurants, takeaways and food shops in Amber Valley at
The food hygiene rating or inspection result given to a business reflects the standards of food hygiene found on the date of inspection or visit by the local authority. The food hygiene rating is not a guide to food quality.
Further information can be found on the Food Standards Agency website at
As the food business operator of the establishment you have a right to request a re-score visit for the purposes of re-rating if you have taken appropriate action to rectify the non-compliances identified at the time of inspection. Please note that from the 1 April 2018 there is a charge for this service, which is currently £160. Read more on the request for revisit page.
As the food business operator of the establishment you have a right to appeal the food hygiene rating given following your inspection if you do not agree that the rating reflects the hygiene standards and management controls found at the time of the inspection. Please note, this form is to appeal against your original score not to request a re-score once the work is completed.
The appeal period is within 28 days of your original inspection or 21 days from your notification letter (inspection report) whichever is the greater.
Appeal your score by completing the appeal form and returning it to us.
Where a food business carries out the work required by the food officer they also have a right to reply and explain what actions they have taken to make the business compliant. This information can be published of the food hygiene rating website for the public to view. Read more on the right to reply page.
Contact the team directly on 01773 841335 or email